
Saving Safety

Tune: Wiltshire

(\'Through all the changing scenes of life\')

Psalms 9 and 10 parts


The Lord will be a refuge sure

For the oppressed and poor

A refuge in times of trouble

Will hear them when they call


And they that know His name, they shall

Put their trust in Him well

For you, Lord, have not forsaken

They that seek you again


Sing praises to the Lord, which dwells

In Zion, each tongue tells

Among the people His doings

How He does work good things


Arise, O Lord God, lift your hand

Help needy in the land

Forget not the humble, for they

Follow you in your way


The Lord is King for evermore

E\'en to earth\'s farthest shore

His enemies they perished be

We them no longer see


Lord, you have heard humble\'s desire

And what they to aspire

You will prepare their heart, them hear

Their prayers to you be dear


You will judge for orphans, and care

For needy, they shall share

In good things, no more be oppressed

By men, but in you blessed