

People going hungry
Amidst politicians lies
Stare blankly in our eyes.

They give the peasants pennies
Each bill rises by pounds
If you cant afford it all
Debt collectors your life hound.

We have homeless on our streets
So introduce a stupid law
Fines for being homeless
For having no front door.

Beggars in the high street
If fined more hours they must beg
To pay off stupid fines
What else can be said ?

If they cannot pay the fine
Threaten them with jail
But the jails are overcrowded
It really is insane.

Children without breakfast
Make their way to class
Schools struggle to feed them
Simply not enough cash.

Our armed forces underfunded
In these violent times of threat
Our veterans on the streets
What rhetoric do we get ?

Blame everything on immigration
But they cant deny the maths
Over 7 million on nhs waiting lists
So many cancer deaths.