

I\'m only thirteen and I don\'t know anything 

I\'m just a girl yet still I think I could face the world 

If only I could see things the way they are

If only I could be who I wanna be 

So many \"ifs\"

I don\'t know where to start 

Is this the life I want? 

Is this the life I get? 

I\'m lost and stuck and I can\'t get out yet 

I\'m lost in the fear

I\'m frozen in place

Paralyzed with the doubt 

My mind is going crazy 

Maybe I will try after all

So what if i fail?

So what if i fall? 

So what if i cry? 

So what if i try?

And I\'ll take one small step,

I\'ll take one small breath,

I\'ll take one small risk.

And I\'ll be free,

And I\'ll be me