
My Soldier

You, commander of my queen’s guard,

You are my umbrella in the rain.

But you need not try so hard,

I know how to handle the pain.

I am a soldier who chooses to

Fight in bloody wars alongside you.

I have my own swords and shields too.

I wish for just one thing from you.

When the battle’s done and war is won,

And no one else can see you bleed,

No weapons in sight, all enemies gone,

Show me all your scars, I plead.

Take off the armour, put down your shield,

I will not hurt you; I swear on my life.

Show me your wounds, even the healed,

I promise, I am not holding a knife.

I am not the one you want to fight,

Let down your guard, close your eyes,

Take a deep breath, I’ll hold you tight.

Use my shirt collar to muffle your cries.

Let my gentle kisses to your forehead,

To your open wounds, be the balm.

My whispers of sweet nothings in bed,

Your inflamed scars, may they calm.

If you think these scars take away,

From your beauty, shame on you!

Scars, are a soldier’s pride I say,

Today, you are what they’ve made you.