
Today I am really distraught. 


I search for truth and find a rort. 


Twisted scriptures for blind eyes..


I still wonder why I am surprised. 


He sums them up with critical prose...


Now their stench is up my nose. 


Feathered corporations; 


Making children slaves.


The wickedness so glaring, 


It has got me quiet enraged. 


Gloss and glitter, 


No substance to be found.


Building on foundations, 


Destined to come down.


Give us your money..


Lambs to the slaughter. 


Sweet, my honey.


Making promises they can\'t declare..


It\'s all a big vanity fair.


The Feast of first fruits comes straight after passover...


Follow their way..


Spells disaster. 


Leading the flock with fiction and lies..


I saw it, and started to cry. 


Mocking His commandments in the name of His son..


Slaves till the grave, is what we become. 


First Fruits is an offering to God. 


Giving true thanks for what is to come...


Declaring His goodness, 


To Him we display, 


So, in true worship, we give Him praise.


That\'s what He asked.


These seem depraved. 


(In vain they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.)


I feel for all, caught in their trap..


Come to Papa...


Get your lives back.