
My \"Ode\' To Old

My “Ode” To Old

4-15-2024 Tommy Entrican)


I am not sure when it happened to me

Perhaps ‘twas the first kittle twinge in my knee

Holed up in my box and sans any gold

In America they call this “just getting old”


I knew I would tire, stop burning both ends

But I did not sign up for a life of Depends

With my atrophied brain now covered in mold

While gone are the patrons I used to call old


With a limp and a cane I wobble side to side

Should trouble break out, I am too slow to hide

As I trek up the stairs to my blessed home

To the whispers of young ones; “Man that dude’s old”


It is alright though, I did have my days

It seemed as though time would not let me age

Though wrinkles grow slow, the canvas has told

The rest of the world that I have grown old


Now tomorrow is always another day

Till suddenly fewer are coming your way

All that you have as your story unfolds

Are the memories you’ll carry when you grow old


Before you are ready, my face you will see

In the mirror you’ll ask, is this really me?

Accept the Lord Jesus, and learn to behold

That one day you too, will grow to be old