Petrichor of Love

A Poet Lost in Reveries

In a man\'s heart,  a poet does reside

in a sojourn, far from where reveries abide.

His soul is adrift on those gleeful seas

seemingly lost in his world of reveries.


Using them, he watches the words to find

and forms the thoughts that dance in his mind.

Seemingly stunned by his world so grand

as he unravels this uncharted, unseen land.


The world around him fades into the mists

as he moves away from the world he desists.

Gazing at the beauty that he doth see

imperfectly perfect yet filled with ecstasy.


Ah! He loses himself in his world profound

using his quill he uncovers the treasures he found,

as if they broke the shackles and set him free

to roam in the world of words in his reverie.


And on his settee, where he lies

in a brooding mood, he solemnly sighs

the memories of that world come to he

bringing him joy and setting his spirit free.


So though he writes as a lonely soul

his jocund reveries make him whole.

In his heart, this world to forever stay

as a source of muse along his life’s way.