Nah Hannah

Start Again

Start Again

I sit in the café

Staring across the room

To nothing exactly

The bitter-sweet nostalgia

Replaying severally in my mind

As the songs by one direction play on

And just like them

We had grown out

Our forever seemed to have different things

And as we stood across the kitchen island

On the opposite sides of each other

We couldn’t help but smile

The bitter reality smacking in

And we knew it was the last time

That our love would ever be shared

Maybe we could kiss?

And end the note on a beautiful memory

But that would hurt a lot

So we just stare at each other

The distance between us so wide

The presence of our love, oblivious

And the memories begin to fade

As the pain becomes bearable

But the trauma from it all

Preventing me from loving again

Afraid I will have to walk away

And my heart can only take so much

And so I build a wall around it

Keeping it safe from all that pain

But then here comes another

And when I was not looking’

He knocked down the walls

And let himself in

The way he makes me smile

The way he makes me laugh

The way he comes home to me

Even when he is angry at me

Because there is nowhere in the world

That feels better for him

And so I feel

Strongly than ever before

But I begin to run

Before I can get caught in it all

But he holds me

Reassuring me

That even in pain,

He will always be with me

And so I start again

Falling in love

With the handsome stranger

That will someday

Become my everything