
Killed An Angel

In thousands of books on the shelves, on the dusty racks.
Old or new. Cartoons or Sci-Fi. Romantic or horror. 
On an old shelving, paper and creaky hard backs.
I have read true and cartoons stories, but your story is pure terror.

This factual news is so sick, I want to kill you.
As I turn page after page, I can’t see why would you kill an angel?
You’re sick, your twisted story is evil and came true.
I see no sense, in the distance I can hear the knell

I want to shut the cold book has got most horror I have ever seen.
Alive, factual, dirty, coldly copied on the news. Disgusting!
I don\'t need to read it because I know where you have been.
The writer has just killed an angel, I know where you are going

Your skin will painfully melt off your rotten bones 
You will burn to ashes in the agonizing flames.
You will never be forgotten, you will be crushed slowly by stones 
Forever burning in the scorching hell. You are only one to blame!