
Childhood Friend Countdown (up)

Only ten years old and I know,

you are my best friend forever.

We protect each others secrets,

play, laugh and enjoy the company.

I spend weeks at your house, and

your family treats me like your equal.

We stay up late and giggle, laugh

and pretend there\'s nothing scary in the world.


Now we are thirteen, 

still best friends but we have phones now.

We can be besties together, while also

from a distance. I like this even more.

You text, I respond, you have a crush,

well so do I. You wouldn\'t dare, but

I did. And now I\'m starting to see you less,

because of him.


Heading into fifteen, where our horizons widen

and so does your friend group.

We are still best friends, but I know

you have others now too. I feel okay whenever you say

\"hey\", although it seems to happen less often.

I protect your secret boyfriend from your family finding out,

I feel a bit used, but if you\'re happy then so am I.


We\'re 18, adults, and grown up,

I think we got a picture at graduation, but I\'m not

too sure now. I see you have a new boyfriend,

not to be nosy but what happened to the other?

Guess I\'ll check online.


22, and feeling blue.

I\'m getting married and I guess,

you are too? I saw the proposal online.

I comment \"congrats, so happy for you both\"

But you both, I don\'t know anymore. 


Married and happy with my husband,

you were a bridesmaid to me but,

who am I to you?