
Your Venomous Love

How did you make my heart so damaged?
I still have your intoxicated love running through my veins 

Leaving me with memories. You kindly specially granted

Your venomous love. Abandoning me alone with all this pain 

I miss your loving presence and your magical touch 

My heart is broken and bleeding from your deadly kisses 
I am so addicted to you and every heartbeat is like a punch!

The venom is so alive, I still can hear your poisonous snake hisses

I can not breathe anymore, you’re were the sweet air
I needed to live. But you are gone, gone forever

Leaving me alone with our thoughts, you left me that’s unfair.

Now, alone with horrid memories of being together 

I want you back to heal my broken bleeding heart 

Your black vines are spreading darkness, they’re so tight around me 
I just want to snuggle in your strong arms with your loving art.
Your venom is so alluring, pumping around my body. You will not let me be

Killing me slowly