
I\'m In Deep Shit

How beautiful is the world when it smells like doodoo?

The sewage of frustrations and lies

Stressing me out this week

Are the one and only things that beat me

A house without a home is bullshit

For a house without a home has no value anymore

I dig you dig me?

For the smell of my roses stink...

Oh stink, stink, ink, ink

What bloody twat is I?

Singing in a world that hates me--

I am a woman in a rotten shell

And on top of the coffin I stare at the sun

Streaming down my face

For life is a screaming midget

And his name is Trump...Donald Trump that is;

What are my wages this week?

Do I have to work any harder?

Who\'s going to bang on my coffin

When I am dead?

For the def monkey has eaten its last banana...

The club of politics is done;

And I am the screaming nun

Holding up the cross,

Jesus please save me from this world

For I am not a binding tree--

Kill me, kill me now; the love recedes

For my hairline is perfect

But Trump\'s is not.

What wavering stars eclipse the sun?

For God is the sunlight and the air

And he passes judgment along with the righteous

And I am a beautiful rose on his shoulder.