
Over Again

I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but I didn’t think it was going to be this hard,

I didn’t think that everything you put me through was going to leave me scarred.

Over the years, there have been so many ups and downs,

And every time I would pick myself up, I would fall back down to the ground.

I hate to admit it, it was because I loved you,

And I was too blind to see all that you were putting me through.

Over the past three months, I have finally be able to see,

That you can’t pin this all as my fault, and that you can’t blame me.

You didn’t want to let me go,

But you also never wanted to let your feelings show.

Now you are upset, because you thought I would be left broken on the floor,

And it bothers you that I am able to pick myself up and open another door.

You never expected me to be doing so well,

Because you thought I would sit there and sulk in my own personal hell.

The one that you created, and all of the pain that you caused me,

By dreaming about all of the things that we could be.

But letting you go has been the best thing to ever occur,

And I am so happy that you found someone else, and that I am not her.

Because I have been able to smile for the first time in years,

Because I am finally smiling, and I have no more tears.

There are no more tears to shed for someone who doesn\'t care,

And I am finally starting to see that I won the game, and it was all because I chose to play fair.

Even though I had to let you go, I have been lucky enough to find something worth more,

And I am finally picking myself up and allowing myself to soar.

Letting you go was what needed to happen so I could see my full potential,

I now realize that having someone else in my life is not essential.

I need to stay focused, and the right person will come along,

But until then, I am okay with growing and remaining strong.