Mason Vollman

A Message To You!

Let me tell you,


no matter where you are.


trapped in a cage,


or lost afar.


trapped in a throne,


sinking in sand.


You\'ll never be alone,


you\'ll always have my hand.


If you feel lost,


your found.


If you feel hated,


your loved.


Nothing can profound,


the love He gave from above.


So don\'t be afraid,


theres of nothing to be scared,


Stand tall in His eyes,


iluminate Him like a flare.


For your God is always with you,


Through the highs and the lows,


You will never be left alone.


Hes with you and your known,


He\'s watching from His throne,



waiting for for the perfect time to pounce,


Pounce on you with Love, and glory, and Faith in Him.


if you feel like your falling,


simply put your weight on Him,


He will hold you up with love and happiness until He meets you, Again!