Reynaldo Casison

Stay sweet

Her Beauty is always sweet,

In the dream of Romance,

Midnight moons, and rose stars,


Lovers have come and gone,

With the merry go round,

Of seasons,

And her loveliness sways,

All around,

and stays warm and sweet,

A woman like her is a diamond,

In the sky, honey sighs,

And sweetness is a Moonkissed dress,

And honey robe her Soul dances,

And lounges within,

A gaze of her fine wine Beauty,

Stays sweet like an evening vineyard,

My love for her sweet Beauty,

an infinite fountain,

Where she stays sweet,

Like sunflowers and irises,

By a lakeshore, 


My love stay sweet,

Stay sweet for me always,

And youre the most exquisite woman,

In the beams,


dream of Moonlight

Reynaldo Casison