

The sun beams down on the grassy field

Little yellow patches slowly yield

The dandelions on the field so green

Bloom to hear your voice, serene


We race through fields of grass so tall

Crushing the blooms before they sprawl

I live for you, this moment in time

Among the dandelions, our love climbs


A dandelion gazes at the endless sky

Your shadow falls, the flower sighs

Longing to bloom, to linger more

You pluck it, leaving it on the floor


Years fly by, back to this land we roam

Where it all started, now alone

Your words fall empty, like seeds on air

In the dandelion field, I stand, aware


Watching you fade, as you walk away

I\'m broken too, in this disarray

Just like the dandelions, it\'s true

I grow only for you