
Poison: A New Glass

I don\'t know what I\'m doing

I\'ve lost track of why I\'m here

You used to be so welcoming

But now your motives are unclear


And now I\'m stuck


Every part of me wants to concede

Give in to all you\'ve done and scream

You say I have an addictive personality

Well, maybe I\'m addicted to this to


The pain

The drama

The stress

The toxins you fill me with


I\'m addicted

And dependent on you

And it\'s your own doing


You know exactly what you\'ve done

No need to go in depth


I got so good at being untrue

So good at lying to you

At lying to myself

I don\'t know who I am anymore


Drip poison in my mouth

So that anyway you want me

Anything you need, I do

While I disappear further into myself


It makes me choke

But it\'s so sweet

To be needed


For once


You removed 1 glass of poison

And replaced with with a second

With 3 times the concentration

But the 4th time\'s the charm, I guess


Swimming in this blackness
Covered in inky dark


And the lies

And the backstabbing

And the control

That you seek

Have created a rift between us

Which I\'m losing the desire to bridge

With each and every day


You\'ve stolen my time
And my effort
And my mind

But I will not allow you
To take
My heart