
Calling Out

I\'m a body of skin and bones.

My mind is an ocean of thoughts.

My spirit is low

Its all a big show.

My soul yearns, groans.


Why can\'t I have clarity?

Aren\'t we all a creation, a similarity?

Peace is a far off entity,

How do I use my spade to grow?

How do you lift the fog, 

The sweat off my brow?


I\'m just a body

With eyes that see pain, 

I\'m just somebody 

That yearns to see rain.

How can it all be,

In my two hands?

Isn\'t it you dear father who created the lands?


I\'m searching

In a world of falsity.

Its not working

I think I\'m succumbing.

The crickets are humming

In the night.


Will it be alright?

Am I even in this fight,

Cuz if I am, 

That is greater than 

Doing as much as I can.


I hope I\'m a body

That lives for Gods sake.

I hope I\'m somebody

That looks past the fake.

I hope that one day

The ache will be gone,

The big light will turn on

All suffering gone

This war we have won!


I\'m a body 

Bearing His name.

I\'m somebody

That can only claim

The good deeds,

Not status or fame.


No two hearts are the same

But God sees the flame



It is familiar

So special, so peculiar

I pray to get there

Breathe in the air

Right here 

So near.


I\'m not a body,

But a piece of God

Defined so holy.

The world is mine.

I have the gift of time

And I want to dedicate it to you.