
We Exist Interconnected, not Detached

When you know you show,

but to say what you know,

even a pertinent persistence,

could be assumed as arrogance.


A beautiful candid expression

runs the risk of being aspersion.

A metrical mellisonant melody

transforms into a torrid tragedy.


From an instinctive inspiration,

rose many good-hearted intentions.

But when the facts appear as fiction.

true love starts resembling addiction.


The world has countless voices,

where is the peace amid noises?

How do you feel the silence,

hiding the underlying romance?


Guided by vanity and pride,

we chase power in every stride.

Status and influence worldwide

our interests are about to collide.


Interaction with nature is a necessity,

to quench our thirst for curiosity.

Our plans to achieve a sordid stature

are direly affecting the entire Nature.


The ecosystem needs to stay in balance

despite Nature’s great expanse.

People on a tangent, out of sync,

are pushing us closer to the brink.


Can we not just understand?

To evolve we throng this land.

We keep undermining one essence,

that life has a continuous existence.


Stars with their planets traverse,

the great expanse of the universe.

We all propagate from one source,

as transformations of the same verse.


Therefore the ‘I’ is only an illusion,

we need to redress this delusion.

Like flowers on a plant stay attached,

we exist interconnected, not detached.