

Being alone doesn\'t really feel bad if we know exactly what we should be doing,

like watching sunsets,

traveling to different places,

visiting our favourite restaurants,

enjoying meals and smiling at others,

browsing through libraries,

immersing ourselves in favorite books,

watching movies at the cinemas,

shedding tears over sad scenes,

finding no one around,

yet feeling content,

because, who knows,

what we truly need,

like being alone,

can be amazing.


For some,

freedom means loneliness,

and for others, peace means the same.


We often think being alone is not fun at all,

but have you tried going out alone?

It feels terrifying yet exhilarating,

we need ourselves,

we need to pause the time,

spend more moments with ourselves,

because some people they are busy spending their whole time in a day for other people,

and forget to save a bit for themselves.


So are you still with me?