
Being a man

<span;>Should I scream, or has my voice been silenced?
<span;>My thoughts have ravaged my mind, a relentless siege
<span;>Trauma\'s echoes resound, a haunting refrain
<span;>Zero escape from the pain, no refuge to gain

<span;>Heart scars no longer bleed, but the ache remains
<span;>An eternal grief, a soul in perpetual pain
<span;>Immortality, a curse, a weight to bear
<span;>The burden of being a man, with no one to care

<span;>I cry out, but my voice is lost in the void
<span;>A muted melody, a truth unspoken, ignored
<span;>The world moves on, deaf to my pleas
<span;>Leaving me to face the darkness, alone, on my knees

<span;>The boy with control, a facade, a disguise
<span;>Concealing my pain, a heavy heart, a compromised life
<span;>A man with no emotions, a mask, a pretence
<span;>A billion feelings, unspoken, a soul in silence

<span;>Invisibility, a cloak, a shield to hide
<span;>The weight of expectations, the pressure to abide
<span;>Mixed emotions, a storm, a turmoil within
<span;>The struggle to be human, to be seen, to begin

<span;>What happened to the stories, the tales of old?
<span;>The equality we read about, the love we were told?
<span;>Was it just a dream, a fleeting thought?
<span;>A childhood memory, a humanity forgot?

<span;>The present time, a harsh reality
<span;>A world that\'s moved on, a humanity that\'s lost its gravity
<span;>Indeed, it\'s \"one man for himself,\" a cruel fate
<span;>The price of being a man, a soul that\'s lost its state.