
Heather, the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

With a smile as sweet as honey,

She weaves her web of deceit, so cunning.

A coworker, a friend, or so she claims,

But her true nature is one of ill-famed games.


Behind your back, she whispers lies,

Planting seeds of doubt that quickly rise.

Her words cut deep, like a double-edged blade,

Leaving trust and loyalty to fade.


Beware her false camaraderie,

For it masks a heart of treachery.

She’ll pat your back with one hand,

While stabbing it with the other, so grand.


Heather, the backstabbing friend,

A lesson in trust we must defend.

Keep your guard up, your eyes wide open,

For her betrayal is a path best not chosen.


In the workplace, where bonds should thrive,

Her toxic presence struggles to survive.

A poisonous vine that chokes and suffocates,

Leaving only bitterness in its wake.


Heather, the wolf in sheep’s clothing,

A reminder that not all friendships are worth holding.

Tread carefully, lest you fall prey,

To the backstabber who leads you astray.