Your Girlfriend

So are we talking??


Btw not about Dominic!




Did I do something to upset you

If so what this time

Did I do something wrong

John if so then say so

There is this boy named John at my school 

You may know him as Johnny on here

I don\'t know where w e stand 

One day we are talking the next day we aren\'t

So are we talking

I told on him and three other guys

Because they were harassing me 

And he got mad


Just sit there and let it happen

He yelled ¨I hate u and wishes you never happen

To this school. We were better off without you!!¨

He expected me  not to be pissed

Oh my god what a bitch

I would say more, but his ego is already hurt enough

So I let him try to be tough

Just so ya´ll know

I have stuff plotted for my next strike

Because I have stuff on his for nights 

So are we talking or do I ignore you