Nations rage,
People plot
In vain.
Kings of the earth:
\"Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords..
\'Come, join us..
The kingdom will be yours!\"
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.
Cutting off their source..
He will have them in derision.
Stupefying thoughts.
With wrath and distress
He will lead them with displeasure..
He gave them warning.
He signed and sealed a letter.
He has set His King on mount Zion.
I will declare the decree:
Ask, He gives him the nations,
From the mountains to the sea...
He will break them with a rod of iron,
And dash them to pieces like clay.
\'He is coming with vengeance.\'
Stay close
Don\'t get led astray..
Be wise
O kings
Be instructed,
Judges of the earth..
Serve Him with fear,
Serve Him will trembling.
Lest He be angry
And we perish
In the way..
When His wrath is kindled but a little-
Only those ones
Will stay.