Bidyarnab Das

Life Is Not A Dream

Life, believe me, is not a dream, it is not as dark as the sojourners say; Light rain in the morning often predicts a pleasant day. Sometimes clouds of gloom appear, but these are short-lived; If roses blossom when it rains, then why worry about them falling? The bright hours of life pass quickly, happily, with gratitude,

with excitement, enjoy all that is flying by! What will happen when death suddenly appears and snatches away those dearest to us? What will happen when we see the victory of sorrow? Hope is slipping out of our hands, only then it plays

the game and then comes back, unconquered, the one who has been defeated first. was given;

It is still ready to fly, open its golden wings, it still has the strength to take us along. With effort, being fearless, let the day of examination come with pride, like a winner, End this despair with courage!

Bidyarnab Das