

Exquisitely she weaved her way 

Through feelings hidden every day 

Tuned in to hear his heartbeats desperate plea 

Occasionally when the clouds would form 

She danced beneath the thunder storm

Resulting in a rainbow jamboree 

She held his soul in every step 

Bereft of hope socially inept 

A shadow on the wall of deepest black 

His low profile had been exposed 

The fanciful met the supposed 

A kamikaze set to launch attack 

She softened every granite cell

Brought heaven\'s gift into his hell 

Rebuilt the crumbling remnants left behind 

Alive for the entire day 

Her presence quickly washed away 

The binds that had been tightening in his mind 

It worked so well could only fail

A conjured angry force ten gale 

Ripped every nail from four despairing hands 

The void she left cannot be filled 

Burnt bridges where the milk was spilled 

Alone apart in very different lands