
To End.

I can\'t breathe; too populated.
They were squizzing with no juices
the noises ringing in ears
occupying spaces in rears
blinding darkness, lightness deprived.
In eyes that hold, lies are mold.
Its nothing, nothing new
should be fine, like you used to.
Red, green, yellow...
Stop! Now, go, run!
driving so recklessly
while I\'m running hesitantly.
Limbs hurt, and muscles tightened.
bursting into veins
stretching up the head, blood heated
through the mouth pouring.
Let me go! I\'m screaming
with sounds coming out
slowly draining into nothing.
Too tight, but not enough.
too slow, and growing.
They were crazy, killing silently.
while I\'m crying and laughing.
It\'s crazy—more than scary.
And no one knows but me,
keeping it like crazy.
It\'s tiring to run to the same place.
and thinking I\'m winning,
but I\'m not; it\'s just wishful thinking.
I wish they would lose sight of me.
Please, let me go for a day.
with no restraint from breathing.
So, I would have a day of
not asking for the ending.