GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

Familiar Faces

As Cade stares at the familiar faces on the wall, Calia has a tray of goods in hand; hoping it won’t fall. “The couple in the picture on left;” “can you tell me who they are?” He asks; “Those are my parents Jane and James.” “They died a while ago; “it was hard at first to just accept it and let go.” “All I have now is God.” “It’s how I met grandpa Lou.” “Without him all this would be lost because death is extremely hard.” Cade is familiar with such pain. The loss of his mom in heart still aches. “I’ve seen them before;” “I just can’t remember when.” “Maybe grandpa Lou can help you remember again.” Cade notices the warmth of Calia’s smile. It brings him a joy he hasn’t felt in a while. He takes note of her attentiveness and how deeply she cares. Every little thing about her is causing him to become more aware. “I will ask him; the man’s got a memory a mile long.” “Everything about grandad is awful strong.” “Tell me Cade; where are your mom and dad?” “Well;” Cade says “both have passed away.” Calia sees this makes him suddenly sad. “If you rather not talk about it, I understand.” For some reason Cade fills her in on everything making him feel like a vulnerable man. But Calia just listens and this is comforting to Cade in every way. What’s next you ask? Tune in another day!