
Wise Way

Tune: Sandys

(\'Teach me, my God and King\')

John 14 v.1-6


To disciples you said

Lord, this is how it read

i go to prepare place for you

Heavenly mansions new


And if I go prepare

Place for you, I will share

it with you, and return again

Receive you to me then


So that where I am, there

You may be also, where

Where I am, and whither I go

And the way too you know


Thomas said, Lord, we know

Not where you go, us show

For how can we then know he way?

Reveal, we pray this day


These words Jesus replied

It cannot be denied

I am the way, the truth, and too

The life, I say to you


And no one comes unto

The Father, it is true

Except by Jesus, good Shepherd

May we His voice have heard