Kaelyn Jade

Beyond the veil

(This is a newer version of one of my other poems I wrote, death)

Death is a call back to God\'s embrace,

A sacred journey to a higher place,

As He gathers the hurt to be healed,

In the realm where love\'s truth is revealed.


Even as tears of grief may flow,

In the depths of loss, we come to know,

That death is but a transition, a sacred trod,

As souls return to the arms of God.


People slip away, as time slips by,

Yet in the tapestry of eternity, they do not die,

For they rise to a realm beyond our sight,

Where darkness fades and love\'s pure light.


In the stillness of eternal rest,

They find a peace, divinely blessed,

Freed from the chains of pain and sorrow,

They awaken to a brighter tomorrow.


So let not your hearts be troubled or torn,

For in the arms of God, they are reborn,

Their spirits soar on wings of grace,

In the boundless expanse of Heaven\'s embrace.


They\'re at rest, in God\'s loving care,

No more burden to bear, no more despair,

So do not mourn, but celebrate their release,

As they find eternal solace and peace.


And as we journey on this earthly sod,

Let us remember, with hearts full of God,

That death is but a call back home,

To the eternal love from which we\'ve grown.