GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

The Connection

      Cade can’t stop thinking about Calia. Her smile; her laugh; he likes everything about her! She listened as he unloaded his mind. Something he hadn’t done in quite some time. They spent the entire day together at the Cafe. He can’t believe how well she’s maintained. The picture of her parents he can’t forget. He heads downstairs to Grandpa Lou; he hasn’t mentioned it yet. Grandpa Lou is at the table and Cade has a seat. “So son; how was the day?” “Tell me.” “Pops, she is a remarkable woman!” “Caring and kind.” “I have a question for you though.” “Do you mind?” “Ask away”; grandpa says. “There’s a picture of Calia’s parents and they seem strangely familiar.” “How would I know them?” “Do I already know Calia?” Grandpa responds. “Well son; when your mom first passed away, I needed some help you see?” “I couldn’t take care of you while I worked.” “So they watched you for me.” “Cade struggles to remember but nothing comes to mind. “I was in second grade though.” “I can’t remember much about that time.” “Cade; the loss of your mom hurt you tremendously.” “You were angry for a while.” “You had every right to be.” “Calia’s parents cooked for us and for a while we went to church.” “Soon though, that too was to much.” Cade remembers the church. He remembers his love for God. But God took his mom away; so he gave up on him even though it was hard. “Do I know Calia?” “Have we already met?” “Well, she was your childhood playmate and prayer partner.” “So the answers yes.” What an interesting connection! Is this destined to be? Tune in for more of my love story!