
The Death Of A Poet

As I ponder over the world today 
with all its material rubbish 
and crap that none of us need 
children deep within their cell phones watching themselves on Instagram
whilst necks bent down on the dining table 
at the posh restaurant
they don\'t even care to be 
unknown to them 
their own parents also filming and taking photos 
for their own pride and joy
publishing it all online
I cannot help but think to myself...
if we could sit down on a gamers chair 
playing video games of war and of violence 
surely we could also 
sit down to educate ourselves on the more beautiful things 
like art, history and nature?
I cannot help but wonder
if we could turn the clock back
or even forward 
to the beauty that once was and of that 
in which could be
would this world be any different
than it is today?
and what would really become of the Poet?