Prasun Goswami

The Dream of the Rhine

Tonight, the Rhine River dreams—
Shadows of green mosques awaken on its waters.
A minaret\'s spire touches the clouds,
Another sinks into the river\'s deep womb.

Germany\'s old churches morph into small Egyptian sphinxes.
Their stone eyes gleam with Islam\'s golden moon.
A mihrab rises in Berlin\'s ancient palace,
Potsdam\'s trees tremble to the adhan\'s tune.

Ships gather in Hamburg\'s port,
\"La ilaha illallah\" written on their sails,
Their bellies hide thousands upon thousands of pilgrims.
The water in the Rhine River\'s dream turns red.

Will this dream come true?
Will Germany\'s land become a caliphate?
The Rhine River does not know tonight,
Only lost in the depths of dreams.