Kaelyn Jade

In the shadows of anxiety

In the depths of her soul, a beast does dwell,

A relentless anxiety, a story to tell.

Each morning she wakes, longing to flee,

From the prison of her mind, yearning to be free.


Her heart races wild, a drumbeat of fear,

Shaking, blacking out, the end drawing near.

A trauma that swells, consuming her whole,

In the grip of despair, losing control.


Depression\'s shadow, a constant companion,

Haunting her days, a relentless canyon.

A moment of despair, a rope in hand,

Life hanging by a thread, on the edge she stands.


But a unsteady spell, a twist of fate\'s hand,

Halts her steps, where life and death stand.

A body in turmoil, health issues untold,

In hospitals she wanders, a story unfolds.


Goldboom syndrome, a cruel twist of fate,

Bones aching, body worn, burdened by weight.

Dizzy spells and seizures, a relentless tide,

Numbing legs, blurry vision, nowhere to hide.


Bullied in youth, but resilient still,

Through pain and suffering, she finds her will.

Yet some stories remain too personal to share,

In the depths of her being, they linger, aware.


So let us listen, with hearts open wide,

To the courage within, where battles reside.

For in her struggles, there lies a strength,

A beacon of hope, regardless of length.