Nah Hannah

As a Woman

As a woman

You see me as an object, one for your pleasure, one to relieve your frustrations. When I say yes, you hurt me, when I say no, you hurt me. I live in fear, fear of meeting you, of knowing you, of being held by you, because I don’t know when you’ll change. Am not sure of when you’ll snap, or why. You hold me captive, a slave to your desire and instincts, at the mercy of your inhumanity-all for daring to care, for daring to appreciate.  You pretend to not understand why I fear you, why I take off any moment I see you, but you chase after me hurling insults at my existence, because I dare to have an opinion, because I dare voice it. Not the adults nor the children are safe as your inhumanity knows no limits, it knows no boundary, and any pleas to stop lands on deaf ears. So this is a letter to you, in hopes you understand why in the scenario presented on tiktok to choose between a man and a bear, I too like many of the women out there, would choose a bear, because it has shown more remorse than you, because it has more humanity than some of your kind ever will.