
My story


My story


This is my story

Do we share secrets

Or keep them to ourselves

Silent witnesses

Standing with us in the dark room

Please just this once

I don’t want to hear his voice

Whisper those horrible words in my ear

I don’t want to feel his hands

Roam over my body

Touching what belongs to me

I won’t tell

If this once he finishes quickly

If this once I can be alone and try to forget

You are my daughter almost my wife

He tells me as if this were a prize

I should treasure

We share another night

He sleeps next to me my mother is away

I try to make myself small invisible

But his arm keeps me prisoner

When morning comes, I try to wash his smell from my skin

Nothing helps he stays with me all day

It is my duty he tells me

To be his perfect daughter and keep smiling

Smile even when it hurts