Prasun Goswami

The Enigmatic Britain

By Thames\' dark waters, the Queen, in shadows clad,
With hijab woven from night, in silence, she prays.
The muezzin\'s haunting call, through mists of sorrow spread,

Rosewater weeps, a fragrant tribute to the dead,
Trafalgar\'s lion, in ghostly Arabic, sways.
By Thames\' dark waters, the Queen, in shadows clad.

Church bells toll, with adhan\'s mournful cry wed,
An English rose \'midst Medina\'s ancient maze.
Borders fade, like spirits of the heart misled,

By Thames\' dark waters, the Queen, in shadows clad.
A legend whispers, in Britain\'s twilight, unsaid,
Brotherhood\'s light, through the world\'s eternal haze.
By Thames\' dark waters, the Queen, in shadows clad.