Lady C



Gone are those days
When Virginity was a Virtue,
And her Love was Pure and True. 
When her body was her treasure. 
And in decency she found pleasure,
When clothes were meant to conceal
And her word was the seal. 

 Gone are those days
When her breast was meant to nurture, 
And she was ready to face the torture. 
When his word was her command, 
And hardwork his demand.
When their wellbeing was her pride,
And their success her might. 
And May the days be gone, 
When husband and wife are clothed in shamelessness, 
And the society thrives in callousness. 
When son wars against father, 
And daughter despises mother. 
When Virtue is called Folly,
And Vice is equal to Wisdom.  

Oh! May the good old days come. 
May better days come.  

 _Lady C_