Mohammad Younus

When Darkness Shrouds The Eyes

When darkness shrouds the eyes,
And turns our sight to sound, 
Then can we hear the song of love 
from beloved himself.
Unbound spiritual ecstasy will house 
within our chest, 
Drumming against our cage of self,
We will feel the voice of our beloved
calling us,
Come to Me, Come to Me!

The secret song of love within, 
Rousing the rivers of love beneath our skin.
Ages ago when eons were yesterdays,
He once in his graceful voice called:
Am I not your lord? And we said,
Yes, my lord.
But, love was then an unsung song in our soul.
And now that unsung song is all that I have. 
The music of love gave birth to the zikr of lord
and zikr of lord gave rise to 
awareness and enlightenment, 
And I see love rules all the realms in Creation.
