
The stranger

You asked me... who am I to you and I answered am a stranger... A stranger of whom you used to cherish A stranger who doesn\'t want to see you perish A stranger who isn\'t selfish but a stranger who could just wish to be with you A stranger who sees you pleases you in a way that the word entertaining is his definition... funny how we once met as strangers wanting to know more about each other... and still I am that stranger craving for your attention Trust me I wouldn\'t cast my past as I put you first and the others last... believe me when I say ... I close my eyes and your face pops up... I see your cherry liked lips your glowing dark eyes that beams like these stars of the night Your unforgettable face that flashes a beam of light to darkest night I guess what am trying to say is... I am that stranger wanting to know every detail about you... and I will forever be that stranger as I see you a new each day I get close to you