
My oh my

My oh my, 

I was just thinking of how time goes by,

Oh so quickly, it flees

With the changing of seasons and colors of the trees,

It seems like just yesterday when I arrived in this world

But 41 years went by in a eventful twirl,

Pain heartache, happiness and life,

It can all cut you through quickly like the blade of a knife,

Sharp edges piercing the skin,

Making you bleed and then heal again,

Life has a way of eating you up,

Like the broken edge of a chipped coffee cup,

Maybe you will get pricked maybe you won\'t,

Sometimes we think we know, but really don\'t,

Then reality has a way of setting you straight,

Will it be happiness or pain, will it come too late?

My oh my, time really flies,

We have happy unions and painful goodbyes,

But it\'s all a part of life, and we must keep pressing on,

Love and happiness will find you, with the coming of dawn!

Keep your chin up and be ever so persistent,

Because you got this, and and are very resilient,

Keep your eyes on God, He will see you through,

Don\'t ever give up, He has plans for you!