
The Light

The light is dimming.
And wants to slowly retreat into its nothingness from whence it came. We were, through perseverance, able to keep it somewhat lit, but the external factors of wind and air are starting to take hold. Through their medieval cunning they are starting to convince the light to be extinguished. We don’t know what else we can do. How do we  convince the light to stay on? For if it were to fizzle  out completely, the  world would become dark. The outside forces have become stronger unfortunately than we are and we don’t know what else to employ for the light to stay on and enjoy. We can see it’s wick is tantalizingly stoic as it tries to hold on for dear life. But the light has begun to feel strained and heavy. Confused why it needs to stay on under such torrent conditions. It wants so desperately to go out, exhausted from flickering about so.  It wants to be relieved of its duties and surrender into the absolution of the darkness.