David Wakeling

Gavin’s letter to Emily written in Jail.

Dear Emily,
I miss you heaps, I have your picture on the wall
I kiss you good night every night before I sleep,
Gee it seems like years since we went out together.
I know it was hard for you to find out I was a murderer,
But I won’t do that anymore,
As long as you don’t provoke me I’m fine,
I mean I killed your cat I know but he started it,
He meowed at me when I was doing weights,
Nobody disturbs me when I’m doin’ weights.
Oh yes and your parents.
I know I fought with them all the time,
And I busted the Dad’s neck and your Mother died.
But she was old and probably would have died soon anyway.
I mean ya only have to look on the TV to see
how messed up the world is.
Those girls that I killed, I mean they were asking for it.
The first one said she didn’t like me because I was angry all the time.
Well she doesn’t have to put up with me anymore.
And that other girl. Why did she laugh at me.
I told her I wanted to marry her. She burst out laughing.
So I twisted her neck. She ain’t laughing now.
Well Em.. sweetie I face the Electric Chair tomorrow.
I hope you can make it.
Maybe bring your friends and make a day of it.

Yours sincerely