
And It Rained!

Well here it was

The first match of the season.

The two teams arrived

Put all their wet gear on,

And then we started,

Started to play this game,

This glorious summer game

In the pouring rain.

There were puddles on the lawns

But we played,

We played our croquet match.

Nearly all day it rained

But we never gave in

As the game was more important,

More important than our wellbeing.

At the end of each game

The bedraggled players raced,

Raced to the pavilion

To dry out and have a hot drink.

At the end of the match we gathered,

We all gathered in the pavilion

Drinking tea and coffee,

And best of all

Eating cake.

The day had been wet

But the company was wonderful

And we all left feeling good,

Feeling good after a great day,

A great day in fine company.

We will play again

But when we do

It would be nice to play,

To play in the sunshine.