Prasun Goswami

Europa\'s Lament

In Europa\'s streets, a throng does gather,
Refugees with weapons, eyes ablaze with wrath.

They mar Europa\'s beauty, her tranquil peace they shatter,
Her culture they crumble, a path they pave for death.

In Paris\'s streets, flames dance and flicker,
London\'s alleys echo with chaos and strife.
Berlin\'s Wall rises, a barrier thicker,
As fear grips Europa, severing life.

Her people flee, their homes they abandon,
Europa\'s embrace they forsake with despair.
Her rivers run black, her mountains abandon,
Her skies shroud in darkness, a burden to bear.

I see Europa, once vibrant and gleaming,
Now tainted, corrupted, her spirit defaced.
By Middle East\'s refugees, her essence deeming
Polluted, defiled, with hatred embraced.

Europa\'s future, a canvas so bleak,
Uncertainty looms, with shadows so deep.
Her fate lies in darkness, her spirit so weak,
As death casts its pall, where dreams once did leap.