
The Dark Side Of Helping Others

I am a giving tree; Yet shall I be?

For people drain my energy

Compassion wears the fallen leaves

And I am bare with bitter seed

So what do I do now,

Now that I\'m gone?

For every ounce of energy I have

Is gone;

I cannot do this anymore

I cannot be an open door--

Am I selfish?

Am I numb?

Or is falling in love with a narcissist dumb?

I cannot help myself

For I don\'t know what to do

My heart is empty

I cannot pour from an empty cup

Yet I am a giving tree; Yet shall I be?

My roots are my roots

Yet they are pulled apart

With empathy and understanding, I always lose

I wish the narcissist would just turn me loose

Do I have boundaries?

Do I have worth?

For those that I seek to assist

Will soon be dead

Under this giving tree

Yet shall I be concerned about them?

For they aren\'t concerned about me--

What is the purpose of the giving tree

When the giving tree is livid?

Oh poor heart, don\'t withstand me now;

For I am a giving tree,

The circumstances are reckless beyond my concern

For the narcissist has bit me

And he is the snake,

A snake in a giving tree

How on earth did he climb up there?

I have wants, and I have needs

Can somebody let me breathe?

For this love is not personal,

It is a private vendetta

Oh someone give a rose to a giving tree,

For I am in need of love.