A.D. Small

The Boat

The Boat


Prompt: The Boat Has Holes In It! 


I feel like a lost soul at sea

Just treading through murky water 

Pain laughs at insanity

The air begins to stir

Just floating along in a little boat

With waves crashing against the sides 

I up and left without leaving a note 

Now I\'m sailing razor-sharp tides 

The salt in the air stings my eyes 

My vision becomes blurry 

Right then is when I realized

I should have never left home in a hurry

I was totally unprepared for this

I\'m not really sure what I was thinking

I didn\'t even get a goodbye kiss

Please don\'t let my boat start sinking

I tried to patch up all the holes

But I could only do so much 

The sea takes it\'s tolls

The sides I tightly clutch 

I get battered from side to side

In this unforgiving current

This has been one life threatening ride

I start thinking of all the memories unspent

Please let my boat survive this storm

I\'m not ready to go down just yet 

Overhead clouds begin to form

I feel like I\'m trapped in a fishing net

In the distance I see salvation

I just have to make it to the shore

Then I can have my celebration

And never go sailing anymore


A.D. Small

April 29, 2024