Ayush Raj Mishra


What is life if not a wonder?

Be the diligent ant or the prodigal punter.

It can exist as moss on a rock pile,

Or a rabbit\'s entire family under.


It may start as a curious baby,

Growing up to be a world leader.

It may start as an egg of a gobi

Struggling to avoid skitter.


It may rise a little seedling,

Pouring the world with mother earth\'s riches

Or as timid as grafts at hands of a gardener,

Scared of surviving care breaches.


It can spread like wild flowers

Or be the solitary old mangrove standing on clay

Be even as faint as a fry in a puddle

It’s truly said that life will find a way.


How complex is it though

That which can end in a metal piece or poison drop

Is also capable of healing and evolving

And revolting adversities , without giving a sob.


Why can’t we just shun all violence for once

And take time to realize and celebrate

The wondrous phenomenon we witness and possess

And let this evolutionary heritage perpetuate.