
Hope Is For Losers

Please don’t have any hope. Hope makes you waste time by waiting. Hope is irrelevant. It’s nonexistent. Only serves the characters at Disneyland. It’s a falsified dream of sorts. A distant cousin of “wish”. Nothing becomes tangible by hoping. Hope. Who created this nonsense? This silly martyrdom of a word? No other four letter word is as bad as hope. The worst of the worst four letter words. Whoever tells you to have hope is your enemy and secretly hates you. They don’t have your best interest at heart. I’m not talking about faith, just to be clear. I’m talking about the contrived hatchling of a word that someone created out of thin air when they felt like pranking the world. When they felt like being evil. Probably the devil’s doing, telling people to have hope. What does that even mean? I’ve had hope before. I hoped for a lot of things, non of which ever came to fruition.  What did happen though, was that time slipped through my fingers and I eventually felt foolish. Hope is ridiculous. I say, we should ban that word (except if your name is Hope. Then it’s fine because it’s pretty). Such nonsense. Truth be told, hope doesn’t exist. Don’t waste your precious time on it. See things as they are. Either something is or is not [going to happen]. You can be pragmatic, however, and sensibly try to bring about the change that you would like. But nothing is going to happen simply by you having hope. There are no hope fairies standing by to manifest your hope. The guy you like will call you if he wants to talk to you, not because you hope he will. So take heed young soldier. You have just been given a priceless piece of advice that can serve you well and save you a lot of time and heartache in the future. Your welcome.