Petrichor of Love

In The Valley of Flowers

I strolled with a soul completely bereft

near the valley of a myriad blooms

and in unison my eyes were cleft

by a spectacle that dispelled my glooms;

Amidst the valley\'s fertile rows,

those red roses became my heart\'s repose.


Abundant as the sky\'s evening hue

they sway and swirl in the air

as a red sea comes into my view

drenched in the mist of its flair.

In hundreds, I see them at a glance

flirting and blushing to Nature\'s trance.


The air nestled around with a sweet sigh

as it kissed the petals with a regal grace.

A sight that caught heaven\'s eye

and braced the earth in this divine place.

I gazed and gazed, but little did I know

about the joy these roses would bestow.


For oft when on my settee I lie

In a pensive or thoughtful mood,

their memories make me solemnly sigh

inside my healing soul\'s solitude

And in my soul, their beauty will forever stay,

Blessing my derelict soul along its way.